Course curriculum

  • 01
    Intro & Overview
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    • Hello and welcome!
    • Pre-Course Questions
    • Lesson overview
    • Using the course workbook
    • Course success tips
    • The state of eBook Publishing
  • 02
    Writing Your eBook
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    • Anatomy of an eBook
    • Defining your audience and competition
    • Finding a viable topic
    • Structuring your eBook
    • Steal this strategy: Create a writing system
    • Incorporating additional content
    • Activity: Investigating a book's content
    • Working with an editor
  • 03
    Formatting Your eBook
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    • File types and purposes
    • Creating a PDF eBook
    • WALKTHRU: Creating a simple PDF eBook in Canva
    • Formatting for eReaders
    • WALKTHRU: Formatting a manuscript in Google Docs
    • WALKTHRU: Formatting an eBook in Kindle Create
    • Copyright statements
    • Do I need an ISBN?
    • Cover design brainstorming
    • Outsourcing your cover
    • DIYing your cover
    • Outsourcing formatting
    • BONUS: Interview with designer Sara Fackrell of Small Suns Studio
  • 04
    Distributing Your eBook
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    • Creating a distribution strategy
    • How to set up on a distribution site
    • Understanding metadata basics
    • Keywords and categories
    • WALKTHRU: Uploading an eBook to Amazon
    • WALKTHRU: Uploading an eBook to Kobo
    • Alternate distribution methods
    • Pricing strategies
  • 05
    Marketing Your eBook
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    • Creating a marketing strategy
    • What is an author platform?
    • Building a website
    • Developing a content strategy
    • Showing up in public
    • Book distributor marketing tools
    • Using paid advertisements
    • Lesson summary
  • 06
    Wrap up
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    • Next steps
    • Interested in paperbacks?